Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Go Back in Time with Vintage Sunglasses

Nowadays, sunglasses aren’t just for the beach anymore, nor are they just for daytime. Even the hippest parties have people wearing sunglasses, whether day or night. Because of this kind of popularity, more and more designs are being made for sunglasses. Among them, we have of course the vintage sunglasses. Current trends reflect the desire of people to go back in time with what they’re wearing, and it works the same way for vintage sunglasses. Because of this, vintage sunglasses have become one of the most popular fashion trend. To add to their beauty, vintage sunglasses are usually rare sunglasses; this means that if you have a pair, then you’re probably the only one with that pair, or one of the few people who have it.
Vintage Sunglasses
Although there are many ways to define what vintage is, vintage sunglasses simply refer to sunglasses of a high quality in the past era, something old fashioned but is the best of its kind. The trend nowadays is to revive what was a thing of the past, and vintage sunglasses usually come in styles like wayfarers and aviators.
Wayfarers were first popularized in the 1950’s and 60’s; they became popular because it was something different from what was trendy back in the day. Wayfarers are usually flat on top of the frame, and almost have round frames to complement it. Although they made a small comeback in the 60’s, their comeback in the 2000’s was so revolutionary that experts call it the vintage sunglasses that will stay until the future.
Aviator shades resemble the teardrop-shaped sunglasses that were provided to the army and navy at that time. These vintage sunglasses look so simple because they consist of wire frames and simple tear-drop shaped lenses. What’s good about these vintage sunglasses is that they have hooks at the part which is worn over the ears, so they latched onto the face no matter how much the person moved. Although simple, these vintage sunglasses go with whatever outfit, which keeps them popular.
Rare sunglasses come at a rather expensive price because it gives you the benefit of having a unique pair of specs. Different brands have come up with their own rare sunglasses to go against those of their competitors; for example, Christian Dior’s CD rare sunglasses boast of degraded smoke organic lenses, with a futuristic yet timeless chic look from the past. Ray-Ban has also come up with its own line of rare sunglasses, specifically printed rare sunglasses. They offer different prints for your frames – be it just colors, or even patterns.
Pierre Cardin also has rare sunglasses, something they fondly call as butterfly sunglasses. These rare sunglasses have a dark, tortoise acetate frame and brown or organic lenses, shaped in such a way that it resembles a butterfly. If you don’t have a pair of these rare sunglasses, the only place you’ll see them is the Eyewear museum. When you are thinking of buying your next sunglasses consider wholesale sunglasses usa they have some great deals.
Although rare sunglasses are rather expensive, think of them as an investment. Imagine being one of the few people in the world owning a pair: doesn’t that seem good enough to make you buy your own pair of specs?

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